Rebecca Rumble

Rebecca Rumble

Rebecca Rumble

Recent posts by Rebecca Rumble

3 min read

Design for failure lessons learnt from the Sydney AWS outage

By Rebecca Rumble on June 6, 2016

Sydney’s wild weather brought down an availability zone in AWS’s AP-SOUTHEAST-2 Region on Sunday night.

Websites went down, customer service calls went up, twitter went nuts, engineers scrambled to find work arounds and management started asking “Why?”. 

If your website crashed, you know by now that it’s probably because your application wasn’t designed for region failure.

One outage should not be reason for you to start thinking that the cloud isn’t right for you, or that you should move service providers. But it should make you revisit your architecture. 

Failure in cloud services is inevitable regardless of your provider. Outages happen so you must design for failure. Your actual infrastructure availability is irrelevant to your application availability. 100% uptime should be achievable even when your cloud provider has an outage regardless of its size.

Topics: aws design for failure aws outage
3 min read

Hava at AWS Summit Sydney 2016

By Rebecca Rumble on April 28, 2016

AWS Summit extended to two days for the first time this year and the turn out was amazing! Summit really is the place to be for anyone interested in Amazon Web Services and cloud infrastructure in general.
Team Hava was given a space at the AWS Startup Hub and the response to Hava was HUGE! So far beyond our expectations. We got to talk to so many great people with various levels of experience with the cloud - all loving the visibility of their AWS infrastructure Hava will give them. Many couldn't believe we're only one year old!
Topics: cloud warrior aws blackbirdvc
