3 min read

Integrate Cloud Diagrams in your CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions

August 29, 2022

Hava Sync Github Action

Hava is excited to announce the general availability of the Hava Github Action on the GitHub marketplace.

This makes it easier for you to trigger the synchronisation of cloud account (data source) diagrams within Hava to ensure the diagram set for the data source you are updating with GitHub is refreshed and up to date instantly, so it reflects any changes you have made to your cloud environment as a result of executing jobs from GitHub.

The new Hava GitHub action communicates with the Hava API and can also be used to retrieve an up to date PNG image of the updated environment that can be committed to your documents folder so that your repo network diagram is in sync with your code changes.

The minimum configuration required to include the action as a step in your jobs requires you to specify the source id of the data source connection in Hava, which is created when you connect either an AWS, GCP, Azure or Kubernetes source to Hava.

You then require an API token which is available on the business plan and higher and finally the environment Id which can be obtained using the API or when viewing environment diagrams within Hava.


The full list of input options at time of writing are below, however you should check the Hava Action GitHub Marketplace listing for the latest options.


The only output from the action is the path to the exported image generated by the action if you set skip_export to false.

Impact on Embedded Diagrams

The sync process executed by the GitHub action effectively brings forward the diagram refresh process that is automatically executed continuously by Hava. Using the action means you have up to date diagrams immediately available after you execute your build so you can review the impact of the build without having to wait.

If you have previously embedded an environment diagram in an external web property like a Confluence wiki or a Notion page for instance, the diagram at that location will update to show the latest version of your environment diagram without any manual intervention on your part.

This means all the places your diagram is shown are automatically kept up to date and show the correct details regarding the configuration of your network and related resources. This can avoid potential confusion because everyone is looking at the same current information.

You can view an example GitHub action on the teamhava public repository


If you are using Hava on a teams plan and also GitHub for CI/CD you can start using the new GitHub action today. Check out the GitHub marketplace listing to download.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.



If you are not using Hava yet to generate a single view across all your cloud environments so you can quickly understand and diagnose issues, you can automate away the tedious task of keeping your cloud documentation up to date by taking Hava for a free 14 day trial using the button below.



Topics: aws github
Team Hava

Written by Team Hava

The Hava content team
