6 min read

What's Running Where in Your Cloud Resource Infrastructure

By Team Hava on May 10, 2022

Could your team show you with any confidence what systems and resources you have running in the cloud. Could they do that today, or right now.

Topics: aws azure gcp DevOps cloudcomputing
6 min read

AWS Security Architecture Diagrams

By Team Hava on February 23, 2022

Topics: aws cloud Documentation security visualization vpc diagrams DevOps
3 min read

Cloud Network Real Time Export

By Team Hava on February 17, 2022

If you are building or supporting cloud infrastructure built on AWS, GCP or Azure it is now extremely simple to get a live graphical snapshot of your cloud network topology.

Topics: aws azure gcp DevOps cloudcomputing
6 min read

AWS Diagram Security Group

By Team Hava on November 24, 2021

Topics: aws cloud Documentation security visualization vpc diagrams DevOps
48 min read

What is the AWS CLI?

By Team Hava on November 4, 2021

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a downloadable tool that you can use to manage your AWS services.

Topics: aws cloud DevOps cloudcomputing
8 min read

What is Amazon AWS CloudWatch?

By Alan Blackmore on October 27, 2021

Amazon CloudWatch is an AWS service designed to help you monitor the performance and health of your AWS resources and applications. CloudWatch initiates communication with other services in response to events or schedules. CloudWatch will also aggregate logs from other services and aggregate notifications and alarms from groups of services onto a customised dashboard.

Topics: aws cloud DevOps cloudcomputing
5 min read

Cloud Network Anomaly Detection using Hava

By Team Hava on October 5, 2021

A large part of managing cloud infrastructure is making sure everything is running as expected so that your applications operate and access data efficiently while avoiding over specified resources that cost more than is necessary.

Topics: aws cloud azure gcp DevOps cloudcomputing
10 min read

What are Dedicated Amazon AWS EC2 Instances?

By Team Hava on September 14, 2021

EC2 instances are the virtual machines provided by AWS that you can rent to run your application workloads. They can can vary from powerful instances with hundreds of processors capable of processing vast amounts of data quickly, down to small micro instances suitable for running microservices.

Topics: aws DevOps cloudcomputing
5 min read

What is AWS CloudFront and does it really make a difference?

By Team Hava on September 7, 2021


Topics: aws diagrams DevOps cloudcomputing CloudFront
12 min read

Best Cloud Computing Roles

By Team Hava on August 17, 2021

Cloud computing offers an attractive career path for people who are looking to work in IT or for people already established in the traditional IT landscape who want to re-skill and enter the world of cloud computing.

Topics: cloud DevOps cloudcomputing
