
Need to get in touch with our Support or Sales team?

Let's Chat.

Who do you need to get in touch with?

Hava support is based in Melbourne Australia and is staffed during business hours Monday - Friday . Please consider time differences that may delay response to support and general enquiries.

Hava automatically creates cloud architecture  diagrams when you connect your AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform accounts via read-only credentials. Hava diagrams are hands-free and automated and once connected, your diagrams are kept up to date automatically.

Hava is available as a SaaS or as a self hosted solution and has a fully featured API for programmatic integration of diagramming and account connection functions.

You can read more about Hava features here : https://www.hava.io/features

Your question might already be covered here: https://www.hava.io/faq

You can take Hava for a test drive at any time using the free 14 day trial. No credit card is required to sign up to Hava, just pick a plan and the free trial is applied to your selection. At the end of the trial you will be invited to subscribe or cancel. You can find the free trial sign up here.

If you would like to explore your use-case with one of our customer success consultants, we would be happy to arrange a one on one screen share demo to see if Hava is right for your organisation.




Our Office

Hava Pty Ltd

E: sales@hava.io

Level 3, 179 Queen St,

Melbourne, Victoria 3000




Within Australia - (03) 7042 9200

Outside Australia - +613 7042 9200