2 min read

Deep Dive: How Hava's Automated Diagramming Enhances Cloud Troubleshooting

By Team Hava on Jul 20, 2023 12:38:00 PM

Understanding your infrastructure is the first step towards effective cloud troubleshooting. With the complexity of modern cloud environments, this can be a daunting task. However, tools like Hava.io are designed to simplify this process through automated diagramming.

2 min read

Untagged Filth be Gone - Save by Reducing Your Unused Cloud Services

By Team Hava on Jul 19, 2023 2:18:00 PM


Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
2 min read

Leveraging Hava.io During the 4 Stages of Cloud Project Infrastructure

By Team Hava on Jul 14, 2023 1:50:18 PM

During a cloud project, keeping track of changes can be a daunting task. However, with the right tools, this process can be streamlined and made more efficient. One such tool is Hava, a robust platform designed to help teams understand and monitor changes in their cloud architecture.

Cloud infrastructure is a complex and dynamic entity. Changes, whether intentional or otherwise, can have significant implications, including ongoing costs, security considerations, and new maintenance tasks. These changes often occur behind the scenes, making them difficult to track and understand. This is even more prevalent during a cloud based project, whether it is your team or the client making changes. This is where Hava steps in, providing a clear and comprehensive view of your cloud architecture and its evolution.

Hava works by connecting to your cloud accounts and generating detailed infrastructure and security diagrams. These diagrams provide a snapshot of everything running in your environment, serving as a baseline for tracking changes. As new resources are added or existing ones are modified, Hava automatically updates these diagrams, ensuring you always have an up-to-date view of your infrastructure.

One of the unique features of Hava is its ability to monitor changes in real-time. With its built-in Architectural Monitoring, Hava can alert you when changes are detected in your environment. This allows you to stay on top of changes as they happen, enabling you to act quickly and make informed decisions.

Furthermore, Hava's integration with tools like GitHub and Confluence allows for seamless tracking of infrastructure changes during development cycles. With Hava, you can trigger a sync with GitHub to capture new environment diagrams as changes are pushed, and embed live interactive environment diagrams into Confluence pages for easy access and review.

In conclusion, Hava provides a powerful solution for monitoring cloud architecture changes. Its ability to generate detailed diagrams, track changes in real-time, and integrate with other tools makes it an invaluable asset for any team working with cloud infrastructure.

For a more detailed look at how Hava can help you track the stages of cloud architecture change during a project, refer to this blog post

Topics: aws azure gcp
2 min read

How to Build a Custom Diagram for Efficient Cloud Resource Management

By Team Hava on Jul 13, 2023 11:27:00 AM

In the complex world of cloud infrastructure, managing resources can be a daunting task. However, with Hava.io's custom search, you can build custom diagrams that simplify this process, making it easier to manage your resources efficiently.

Custom search is more than just a feature; it's a solution to the common problem of managing large and complex cloud environments. With Hava.io, you can build custom diagrams and quickly locate resources from hundreds of cloud accounts. This tool is especially useful when you need to find an individual resource, an IP address, or a VPC running in your managed environments.

One of the key benefits of Hava.io's custom search is its ability to create custom diagrams that self-update. This means you always have the most current view of your cloud infrastructure. Additionally, you can set up alerts for changes in your custom diagrams, keeping you informed and proactive.

But the power of custom search doesn't stop there. With Hava.io, you can also perform deep searches that not only bring back the resources that match your search but also anything connected to those resources. This is particularly useful when you want to see all the resources connected to a particular instance in your VPC.

In essence, Hava.io's custom search is a powerful tool that can transform your cloud management experience. It's about turning a sprawling cloud landscape into a navigable map, tailored to your needs. With Hava.io, you can harness the full potential of custom search, taking control of your cloud infrastructure like never before.

Ready to build custom diagrams for efficient cloud resource management? Dive into our detailed blog post to learn more about this game-changing tool.

Topics: aws azure gcp diagrams
2 min read

Architectural Decision Register: The Solution for Cloud Cost Observability

By Team Hava on Jul 4, 2023 1:39:00 PM

In the world of cloud computing, understanding the context behind each resource is crucial for effective cost management. Hava.io, a leading cloud management platform, offers a solution that enhances FinOps capabilities by providing the capability to create an Architectural Decision Register for costs.

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
2 min read

The Benefits of Automatic Diagram Generation in Hava for MSPs

By Team Hava on Jul 3, 2023 5:15:00 AM

In the cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs) arena, achieving efficiency and accuracy in client documentation is critical. Hava.io, a pioneering cloud infrastructure visualization tool, offers MSPs the power of automatic diagram generation, taking the guesswork out of client documentation.

Topics: aws azure gcp diagrams msp managed service provider
2 min read

Harnessing the Power of Hava for Efficient Cloud Infrastructure Management

By Team Hava on Jun 28, 2023 4:55:30 PM

Managing and maintaining complex cloud infrastructure can often feel like navigating a labyrinth. With numerous resources, connections, and security groups to keep track of, cloud engineers need a tool that simplifies this process. This is where Hava.io comes into play, offering a robust solution that enhances the efficiency of cloud management by bringing clarity to complex cloud infrastructure.

Topics: aws azure gcp cloud computing
2 min read

Avoiding Cloud Bill Shock with Hava

By Team Hava on Jun 26, 2023 1:19:00 PM

Avoiding Bill Shock with Hava.io: A Strategic Approach to Cloud Cost Management

In the complex landscape of cloud computing, unexpected costs can often lead to significant financial implications, commonly referred to as 'bill shock'. Hava.io, a leading cloud visualization platform, offers a comprehensive solution to this challenge by providing contextual cloud cost observability.

Hava.io's innovative approach to cloud cost management goes beyond mere cost tracking. It delves into the context behind each resource, enabling businesses to identify underutilized resources, uncover cost-saving opportunities, explain cost increases, and rationalize their cloud estate. This granular level of detail provides a deeper understanding of cloud spend, thereby avoiding bill shock.

The platform's capabilities extend across various roles within an organization, including Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Professional Services, DevOps/Ops, Audit/Finance, and IT Service Management (ITSM). By providing detailed insights into cloud infrastructure, Hava.io enables these roles to better understand and manage cloud costs.

Moreover, Hava.io supports all major cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and GCP. This ensures that regardless of the cloud platform your business utilizes, you can benefit from Hava.io's comprehensive cloud cost management capabilities.

In conclusion, Hava.io provides a strategic solution for avoiding bill shock by bringing context to cloud cost observability. By understanding the context behind each resource, businesses can optimize their cloud resources, reduce costs, and improve decision-making or they can justify the cost increase as a strategic business decision. This makes Hava.io an essential tool for any business seeking to effectively manage their cloud costs.

Read more about Hava's cost observability benefits here:


Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
16 min read

AWS Architecture Diagramming Tool Free

By Team Hava on Jun 26, 2023 1:06:07 PM

The best and most perfect cloud architecture is next to useless if no one in your organisation understands it. What maybe even worse is if everyone misunderstands it, which is why we believe accurate documentation is an essential step in network architecture design and implementation.

Topics: aws
2 min read

Navigating Your Cloud Infrastructure with Hava's Custom Search

By Team Hava on Jun 26, 2023 6:30:00 AM

In the ever-evolving world of cloud infrastructure, the ability to efficiently navigate and manage your resources is paramount. This is where Hava.io's custom search comes into play, a tool designed to simplify your cloud management experience.

Custom search is more than just a feature; it's a solution to the common problem of navigating large and complex cloud environments. With Hava.io, you can build custom diagrams and quickly locate resources from hundreds of cloud accounts. This tool is especially useful when you need to find an individual resource, an IP address, or a VPC running in your managed environments.

One of the key benefits of Hava.io's custom search is its ability to create custom diagrams that self-update. This means you always have the most current view of your cloud infrastructure. Additionally, you can set up alerts for changes in your custom diagrams, keeping you informed and proactive.

But the power of custom search doesn't stop there. With Hava.io, you can also perform deep searches that not only bring back the resources that match your search but also anything connected to those resources. This is particularly useful when you want to see all the resources connected to a particular instance in your VPC.

In essence, Hava.io's custom search is a powerful tool that can transform your cloud management experience. It's about turning a sprawling cloud landscape into a navigable map, tailored to your needs. With Hava.io, you can harness the full potential of custom search, taking control of your cloud infrastructure like never before.

Ready to navigate your cloud infrastructure with ease? Dive into our detailed blog post to learn more about this game-changing cloud search and diagramming tool. <---

Topics: aws azure gcp diagrams cloud search
