3 min read

AWS Diagram Generator Free | See what's running in your AWS account

By Team Hava on May 25, 2023 12:29:38 PM

Unleash the Power of a Free AWS Diagram Generator with Hava.io

1 min read

"Tag or Die": The Importance of Proper Tagging in Cloud Cost Management with Hava.io

By Team Hava on May 24, 2023 1:52:59 PM

In the realm of cloud computing, the phrase "Tag or Die" has never been more relevant. Hava.io, a leading cloud visualization platform, emphasizes the importance of proper tagging in cloud cost management.

Cloud solutions often lead to unexpected costs, causing financial concerns for businesses. Hava.io addresses this issue by bringing context to cloud spend monitoring. This approach helps identify underutilized resources, find cost-saving opportunities, explain cost increases, and rationalize cloud estate.

Hava.io's solution is particularly beneficial for users of AWS, Azure, and GCP. It provides visual context to cloud infrastructure, enabling users to identify cost culprits and provide detailed insights. When cost alerts start pinging away or budgets start to blow out, users can use Hava to zero in on the culprit and provide the required context around that particular resource.

Moreover, Hava.io's continuous monitoring allows users to easily track changes in cloud spend. By reviewing the infrastructure diagrams individually or creating a custom view of all instances onto a single diagram, users can drill into the versioning of the associated infrastructure views to see exactly what changed when. This context helps users answer the inevitable "why has our AWS bill increased" questions.

However, the effectiveness of these features is heavily dependent on proper resource tagging. Untagged resources can lead to confusion, misallocation of costs, and even unnecessary running of resources. The assumption is simple: if it's not tagged, it shouldn't be running.

In conclusion, all AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud users should use Hava.io to bring context to their cloud cost observability. By understanding the context behind each resource, users can optimize their cloud resources, reduce costs, and improve decision-making.

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
1 min read

Hava Enhances FinOps with Advanced Cloud Search Efficiency

By Team Hava on May 23, 2023 11:54:57 AM

Hava.io, a renowned cloud diagramming platform, is revolutionizing FinOps by providing contextual cloud cost monitoring. This approach enhances visibility, control, and decision-making, thereby helping you to optimizine cloud spend.

The rapid deployment of cloud solutions often leads to unexpected costs, causing financial concerns. To address this, Hava.io offers an innovative solution that brings context to cloud spend monitoring. This approach helps identify underutilized resources, find cost-saving opportunities, explain cost increases, and rationalize cloud estate, thereby enhancing FinOps.

Hava.io's solution is beneficial for various roles, including Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Professional Services, DevOps/Ops, Audit/Finance, and ITSM. For MSPs, Hava.io provides visual context to cloud infrastructure, enabling them to identify cost culprits and provide clients with detailed insights. Professional Services can leverage Hava.io to explain cost changes to clients and identify potential cost savings.

DevOps and Ops teams can integrate Hava API calls into their CI/CD pipeline runs to track expensive resources being deployed. This allows them to stay ahead of cost-related questions. Audit and Finance teams can use Hava.io to track down jumps in cloud spend and provide context to cost changes. ITSM can link Hava diagrams to their service desk software to track changes over time and enrich their CMDB entries.

In conclusion, Hava.io's contextual cloud cost monitoring significantly enhances FinOps capabilities. By understanding the context behind each resource, organizations can optimize their cloud resources, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This innovative approach is a game-changer in the realm of FinOps, making Hava.io a crucial tool for managing cloud costs.

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
