2 min read

Finding Your Cloud Cost Culprit in a Hay Stack with Hava

By Team Hava on Aug 25, 2023 5:08:00 PM

In the vast landscape of cloud computing, finding the cost culprit can often feel like finding a needle in a haystack. This is where Hava.io comes in, providing a solution that makes the needle shine.

Hava.io, a leading cloud visualization platform, brings context to your cloud cost observability. It does this by generating interactive environment diagrams that stay up-to-date on auto-pilot and record changes to infrastructure. This visual approach helps Managed Service Providers (MSPs), DevOps, FinOps and professional services organizations to quickly identify expensive resources within hundreds of cloud environments.

When cost alerts start pinging away or budgets start to blow out, MSPs can use Hava to zero in on the culprit and provide the required context around that particular resource. They can respond by creating custom views using tags to show everything associated with a particular application or project and a history of the changes. They can then provide the customer with a link to the diagram showing what is running, what they have reviewed, and what they should consider next.

Professional services teams face similar challenges. When costs have gone up and the client wants a review, using Hava, they can provide current and previous infrastructure visualization for all their running environments. They can use Hava’s list view to show all running resources in each virtual network sorted from the most expensive so they can see with granular detail exactly what is costing what.

In conclusion, all AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud users should use Hava.io to bring context to their cloud cost observability. By understanding the context behind each resource, users can optimize their cloud resources, reduce costs, and improve decision-making.

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
2 min read

Complexity to Clarity: Using Hava’s Security View to Uncover Cloud Vulnerabilities in Seconds

By Team Hava on Aug 25, 2023 3:39:00 PM

In the intricate world of cloud computing, security is often shrouded in complexity. With numerous resources and configurations, identifying vulnerabilities can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Hava’s Security View is here to change that by turning complexity into clarity and uncovering cloud vulnerabilities in seconds.

Hava is a cloud infrastructure diagramming tool, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a solution that brings simplicity and insight to cloud security. One of the most powerful features of Hava is its Security View, which provides a visual representation of security groups and their associations with resources in your AWS or Azure Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs).

What sets Hava’s Security View apart is its ability to lay out all the information in an intuitive and interactive diagram. This diagram not only shows security groups but also how traffic can enter and exit these groups. It uses arrows to indicate what ports are open and where the traffic is routed. This level of detail is crucial for understanding potential security vulnerabilities.

For instance, an open port that shouldn’t be can be a significant security risk. With Hava’s Security View, such vulnerabilities are immediately visible. You can see at a glance what ports are open, especially to the internet, and assess whether this poses a security risk.

The interactive nature of Hava’s diagrams further enhances this capability. By clicking on a security group, you can see detailed information, including ingress and egress rules. This allows you to quickly assess whether a security group is configured correctly or if it’s accepting traffic that it shouldn’t be.

Moreover, Hava’s Security View is not just about identifying vulnerabilities; it’s also about resolving them efficiently. By providing clarity, it enables cloud engineers to make informed decisions and take swift action to rectify any security issues.

Hava’s Security View is revolutionizing cloud security by transforming complexity into clarity. Its interactive diagrams provide invaluable insights into security groups and traffic flow, allowing for the rapid identification and resolution of vulnerabilities. In a world where security is paramount, Hava is an essential tool for any organization looking to safeguard its cloud environment.

2 min read

Hava's Unique Features: From Auto Updates to Diagram Versioning

By Team Hava on Aug 23, 2023 7:44:22 AM

If you work with cloud architecture you know that understanding and visualizing complex architecture is paramount. As businesses migrate and expand their cloud operations, the need for tools that can simplify and automate the visualization process becomes evident. Enter Hava, a revolutionary tool designed to address these challenges head-on for anyone building on AWS, Azure or GCP.

1. Automated Updates: One of the standout features of Hava is its ability to automatically update cloud diagrams. Unlike traditional methods that require manual intervention every time there's a change in the architecture, Hava continuously syncs with your cloud environment. This ensures that your diagrams always represent the current state of your infrastructure, eliminating outdated or inaccurate representations.

2. Diagram Versioning: Cloud architectures are dynamic, with changes occurring frequently. Hava recognizes the importance of tracking these changes over time. Every time a diagram is updated, Hava retains the previous version in a version history. This allows users to go back and inspect previous configurations, providing invaluable insights for audits, troubleshooting, or understanding the evolution of the architecture.

3. Diff Diagrams: Beyond just versioning, Hava offers a unique 'diff' feature. Users can compare any two versions of a diagram, and Hava will highlight the differences, showing what has been added, removed, or modified. This comparative view is especially useful for quickly understanding the impact of recent changes.

4. Interactive Diagrams: Hava's diagrams are not static images. They are interactive, allowing users to click on individual components, be it a VPC, subnet, or any other resource, to view detailed attributes. This interactivity ensures that users have all the information they need at their fingertips, without having to switch between tools or consoles.

5. Security Visualization: In the age of cyber threats, understanding security configurations is crucial. Hava provides visual representations of AWS or Azure security setups, enabling teams to quickly identify potential vulnerabilities, such as open ports or misconfigured ingress points.

6. Customization and Filtering: While Hava's automated diagrams are comprehensive, there are times when users might need a more focused view. Hava's search and filter tools allow for the creation of custom diagrams based on specific criteria, be it by region, resource type, or tags. This flexibility ensures that users always have the right view for their needs.

In conclusion, Hava is not just another cloud diagramming tool. It's a comprehensive solution designed to address the unique challenges of visualizing cloud architecture hands free. With features like automated updates, versioning, and interactive diagrams, Hava stands out as an indispensable asset for any organization looking to simplify and enhance their cloud visualization processes.

Topics: aws azure gcp
3 min read

Amazon AWS Generate Diagram Sets in Seconds

By Team Hava on Aug 23, 2023 6:24:54 AM


Harness the Power of Automatic AWS Diagram Generation with Hava.io

In today's fast-paced cloud environment, having accurate and up-to-date AWS network documentation is crucial. Whether you're trying to understand a new client's network or get a grasp of your own cloud infrastructure, a precise network topology diagram is indispensable. But let's face it, manually creating these diagrams is tedious, time-consuming, and often outdated the moment they're completed. Enter Hava.io, the game-changer in AWS diagram generation.

Why You Need Automated AWS Diagrams

1. Swift Problem Diagnosis: Imagine experiencing an unexpected change in your network, like a sudden drop in speed. With up-to-date AWS diagrams from Hava, you can quickly identify what has changed and address the issue. No more sifting through log files across multiple services.

2. Onboarding Efficiency: Accurate AWS diagrams are not just for troubleshooting. They're invaluable for onboarding new team members and consultants. With a clear visual representation of your network, there's less room for confusion.

3. Stay Updated, Always: With modern CI/CD approaches, infrastructure changes are frequent. Manually updating diagrams is nearly impossible. But with Hava, your diagrams auto-update, ensuring you always have the latest view of your infrastructure.

AWS Generate Diagram SETS - Hava's Unique Features

- Interactive Diagrams: Hava's diagrams aren't static images. They're interactive. Click on a resource, and you get a deep dive into its settings, from security groups to IP configurations.

- Security View: Hava doesn't just map out your infrastructure. It provides a unique security view, showing all your AWS security groups and how traffic flows through your network. This view can highlight potential security issues, like open ports that shouldn't be.

- Diff Diagrams: Hava's versioning captures diagrams as they are automatically superseded when architecture changes are detected. Any two diagram versions can be compared using revision comparison diff diagrams. This shows you exactly what changed between these two points in time. You get a diagram showing all the removed resources in red and all the added resources in green.

You might need to compare the live architecture to yesterday to identify the cause of unexpected architecture or application behaviour, or you might need to compare the current running architecture to the architecture as it was after the last pci or other compliance audit so the auditors know what new resources that have to review.

- Deep Search: Use Hava to track down resources from known metadata across thousands of connected cloud accounts (looking at you MSPs) Using a single search command within Hava, the application will search through all your connected cloud accounts and return the matching resources. You might know a tag pair value, an IP address or a resource type. There are lots of options you can use in Hava's deep search to find what you are looking for fast, without having to log into a single AWS, Azure or GCP console.

- Compliance Reporting: Hava's reporting module offers an AWS compliance report, detailing how close your configuration is to AWS best practices. It's not just about visualization; it's about optimization, best practices and security.

2 min read

Understanding Cloud Architecture | The Importance of Accurate Diagrams

By Team Hava on Aug 22, 2023 7:29:59 AM

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud solutions, understanding the underlying architecture becomes crucial. This is where accurate cloud diagrams play an indispensable role.

Cloud diagrams provide a visual representation of an organization's cloud environment, detailing how various components and services are interconnected. They serve as a roadmap, guiding engineers, developers, and IT professionals through the complexities of cloud configurations. But why are these diagrams so vital?

1. Facilitating Onboarding and Training

Topics: aws azure gcp
2 min read

The Challenges of Manual Cloud Diagrams and How Automation Can Help

By Team Hava on Aug 22, 2023 7:13:30 AM

Cloud computing has rapidly become the backbone of countless businesses, powering their operations and facilitating growth. As companies increasingly migrate to the cloud, understanding their cloud architecture becomes paramount. This is where cloud diagrams come into play. These visual representations provide a clear picture of how various cloud components interact, making it easier for engineers, developers, and decision-makers to comprehend the intricacies of their cloud environment.

However, creating these diagrams manually presents a host of challenges. For starters, the dynamic nature of the cloud means that configurations and architectures are constantly evolving. Keeping up with these changes and ensuring that diagrams are always up-to-date can be a herculean task. Engineers often find themselves spending hours, if not days, console hopping between environments, cloud accounts, and even vendors to get a comprehensive view of their cloud architecture. This not only consumes valuable time but also increases the risk of human error, leading to diagrams that might be outdated or inaccurate.

Moreover, the manual process of drawing and updating these diagrams is tedious. It requires a meticulous attention to detail, as even a minor oversight can lead to significant misinterpretations. For businesses with complex architectures or those operating in multi-cloud environments, the challenge is even more pronounced. The sheer volume of components and their interconnections can make manual diagramming a nightmare.

This is where automation comes to the rescue. Tools like Hava are revolutionizing the way companies approach cloud diagramming. By automating the process, these tools ensure that diagrams are always reflective of the current state of the cloud architecture. They eliminate the need for manual updates, thereby reducing the risk of human error. With just a few clicks, engineers can get accurate, up-to-date diagrams that provide a holistic view of their cloud environment.

In addition, automation brings with it the advantage of scalability. Whether you're dealing with a simple cloud setup or a complex multi-cloud architecture, automated tools can handle it with ease, ensuring that your diagrams are always comprehensive and detailed.

While manual cloud diagramming has its place, the challenges it presents in today's fast-paced cloud environment are undeniable. Automation offers a way out, providing businesses with accurate, up-to-date, and scalable diagrams that can drive informed decision-making. As cloud architectures continue to evolve, embracing automation in diagramming will be the key to staying ahead of the curve by improving the availability and accuracy of your cloud diagrams.

Topics: aws azure gcp
2 min read

Leveraging Hava's Architectural Monitoring for Proactive MSPs

By Team Hava on Aug 21, 2023 1:25:00 PM

For Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs), being proactive and vigilant in managing client infrastructures is crucial. This is where Hava.io, an innovative cloud infrastructure visualization tool, comes in, providing architectural monitoring that sets MSPs ahead of the curve.

Hava.io has made a name for itself in the MSP realm with its capability to generate dynamic, interactive diagrams for each virtual network. By scanning cloud configurations across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, the tool creates a visual mirror of each configuration. This automated process takes the burden of manual client documentation off the shoulders of MSPs, allowing them to concentrate on adding value to their services.

Hava.io's architectural monitoring function is a game-changer in proactive cloud infrastructure management. It sends out 'Diff diagrams' to MSPs when there are changes in the infrastructure. This level of vigilance reduces the risk of unnoticed modifications, helping prevent surprise cost escalations and allowing MSPs to keep their clients updated.

In addition to providing real-time diagrams, Hava.io also retains a version history of superseded diagrams. This function enables MSPs to track infrastructure changes over time, ensuring every shift, whether planned or unplanned, is documented and transparently communicated to the client.

Further easing the burden on MSPs, Hava.io’s deep search function simplifies the task of resource management across multiple cloud accounts. With a single command, MSPs can find specific resources, showcasing Hava.io's commitment to making cloud environment management as straightforward as possible.

Hava.io is not just a tool but a comprehensive solution that empowers MSPs to automate, streamline, and enrich their interactions with clients. By harnessing the power of Hava.io's architectural monitoring, proactive MSPs can manage cloud infrastructures with enhanced vigilance and efficiency.

Topics: diagrams msp managed service provider
2 min read

Exploring Hava's Deep Search Function: A Key Tool for Cloud Infrastructure Maintenance

By Team Hava on Aug 21, 2023 5:30:00 AM

The ability to quickly locate resources is crucial for effective cloud maintenance and troubleshooting. With the increasing complexity of cloud environments, this task can be challenging. However, Hava.io offers a solution to this problem with its deep search function.

Topics: aws azure gcp
4 min read

Understanding Cost Changes with Hava.io | FinOps Enhanced

By Team Hava on Aug 21, 2023 3:00:00 AM

Understanding Cost Changes: How Hava.io Enhances Your FinOps Capability

Topics: FinOps
2 min read

Pretty Architecture Diagrams Showing Poor Cloud Architecture Decisions

By Team Hava on Aug 17, 2023 4:51:00 PM

Pretty Hava Diagrams Showing Poor Architectural Decisions

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
