2 min read

Real-Time Updates with Hava: Keep Your Cloud Infrastructure Diagrams Current

By Team Hava on Jun 23, 2023 12:30:00 PM

In the Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs) landscape, keeping client documentation up-to-date is pivotal. With Hava.io, a groundbreaking cloud infrastructure visualization tool, MSPs can now maintain the most current client documentation effortlessly.

Topics: diagrams msp managed service provider
2 min read

Unlocking Cloud Security: How Hava Diagrams Revolutionize Security Group Visualization

By Team Hava on Jun 23, 2023 6:00:00 AM

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, security remains a paramount concern for organizations. As cloud infrastructures grow in complexity, understanding and managing security groups become increasingly challenging. This is where Hava, a cloud infrastructure diagramming tool, steps in to revolutionize security group visualization.

Topics: aws security azure
13 min read

Best Tool to Create an AWS Architecture Diagram

By Team Hava on Jun 19, 2023 5:45:09 PM

The best and most perfect cloud architecture is next to useless if no one in your organisation understands it. What maybe even worse is if everyone misunderstands it, which is why we believe accurate documentation is an essential step in network architecture design and implementation.

Topics: aws
2 min read

Bringing Context and Clarity to Cloud Bill Shock with Hava

By Team Hava on Jun 16, 2023 12:55:00 PM

Ever had that sinking feeling when you open your cloud bill email and it's more than you expected? It's like ordering a salad and getting charged for a steak! Well, fear not, Hava.io is here to save the day, and your budget, by bringing context to your cloud cost observability.

Hava.io is like the Sherlock Holmes of cloud cost management. It doesn't just tell you what changed that caused a cost spike, it tells you why. It's all about context! With Hava.io, you can identify underutilized resources, find cost-saving opportunities, explain those pesky cost increases, and rationalize your cloud estate. It's like having a magnifying glass for your cloud costs.

But it's not just about playing detective. Hava.io is also a great communicator. It's perfect for Managed Service Providers, Professional Services, DevOps/Ops, Audit/Finance, and ITSM. It's like the universal translator for your cloud costs, speaking the language of each role and providing the context they need to understand what's going on. You can use the visualizations automatically created with Hava to show your clients what changed to cause the jump in cloud costs that triggered the bill-shock.

And the best part? It works with AWS, Azure, and GCP. So, whether you're an AWS aficionado, an Azure enthusiast, or a GCP guru, Hava.io has got you covered. It's like the Swiss Army knife of cloud cost observability.

So, if you're tired of cloud bill shock and want to bring some context and clarity to your cloud costs, give Hava.io a whirl. It's like turning on the lights in a dark room. Suddenly, everything makes sense. And who knows, you might just find some outliers and unused environments that are siting there untouched but still racking up costs every month

In conclusion, if you're using AWS, Azure, or GCP, you should definitely be using Hava.io. It's like having a personal Sherlock for cloud costs, explaining whodunnit. So, why wait? Start bringing context to your cloud cost observability with Hava.io today. It's a decision you won't regret, and just quietly, your budget will thank you!


Read more about Hava's cost observability benefits here:


Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
13 min read

Auto Generate AWS Diagram with Hava

By Team Hava on Jun 15, 2023 3:41:51 PM

The best and most perfect cloud architecture is next to useless if no one in your organisation understands it. What maybe even worse is if everyone misunderstands it, which is why we believe accurate documentation is an essential step in network architecture design and implementation.

Topics: aws
2 min read

Avoid Cloud Architectural Sprawl with Better Cloud Cost Observability

By Team Hava on Jun 9, 2023 12:30:00 PM

The rapid deployment of cloud solutions often leads to unexpected costs and architectural sprawl. Hava.io, a leading cloud observability platform, offers a solution that enhances FinOps capabilities by providing contextual cloud cost observability.

The move to cloud solutions can lead to unexpected costs and a sprawling cloud architecture. Hava.io addresses this issue by bringing context to cloud spend monitoring. This approach helps identify underutilized resources, find cost-saving opportunities, explain cost increases, and rationalize cloud estate.

Hava.io's solution is particularly beneficial for users of AWS, Azure, and GCP. It provides visual context to cloud infrastructure, enabling users to identify cost culprits and provide detailed insights. When cost alerts start pinging away or budgets start to blow out, users can use Hava to zero in on the culprit and provide the required context around that particular resource.

Moreover, Hava.io's continuous monitoring allows users to easily track changes in cloud spend. By reviewing the infrastructure diagrams individually or creating a custom view of all instances onto a single diagram, users can drill into the versioning of the associated infrastructure views to see exactly what changed when. This context helps users answer the inevitable "why has our AWS bill increased" questions.

In conclusion, all AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud users should use Hava.io to bring context to their cloud cost observability. By understanding the context behind each resource, users can optimize their cloud resources, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This innovative approach is a game-changer in the realm of FinOps, making Hava.io a crucial tool for managing cloud costs and avoiding architectural sprawl.

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps cloud costs
2 min read

Harnessing the Power of Custom Search in Cloud Architecture Management

By Team Hava on Jun 9, 2023 10:55:14 AM

In the realm of cloud infrastructure, the ability to quickly locate specific resources is a game-changer. This is where custom search comes into play, a tool that can significantly enhance your cloud management experience.

Custom search is not just a feature; it's a solution to a common problem faced by many IT professionals - the overwhelming complexity of cloud environments. With large and intricate cloud infrastructures, zeroing in on specific resources or segments can be a daunting task. However, with custom search, you can build custom diagrams and find resources from within hundreds of cloud accounts rapidly.

The power of custom search lies in its ability to simplify complex environments. With a massive diagram, you would typically have to pan and zoom around to find the particular resource or subnet you need to inspect. But with custom search, you can easily locate an individual resource, an IP address, or a VPC running somewhere in your managed environments.

Moreover, custom search is not just about finding resources; it's about managing them efficiently. Once you execute a search, the resulting diagram can be preserved for future reference. These custom diagrams self-update, ensuring you always have the most current view of your cloud infrastructure. You can even set up alerts for changes in your custom diagrams, keeping you informed and proactive.

In essence, custom search is a powerful tool that can transform your cloud management experience. It's about turning a sprawling cloud landscape into a navigable map, tailored to your needs. With Hava.io, you can harness the full potential of custom search, taking control of your cloud infrastructure like never before.

Ready to master custom search? Dive into our detailed blog post to learn more about this game-changing tool.  Read the full post here

Topics: aws azure gcp cloud search
2 min read

Automating Client Documentation: A Look at Hava's Interactive Diagrams

By Team Hava on Jun 7, 2023 5:00:00 AM

The realm of Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs) is one that thrives on effective communication and impeccable documentation. With Hava.io, an innovative cloud infrastructure visualization tool, MSPs can streamline their processes like never before.

Hava.io stands out with its ability to generate dynamic, interactive diagrams for every virtual network. Gone are the days of laborious manual documentation. Now, MSPs can focus their energies on value-added services while Hava.io handles the intricacies of client documentation.

How does it work? Hava.io connects to cloud accounts across industry-leading platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, automatically scanning and creating a visual replica of the cloud configuration. This automated diagram generation propels MSPs into an era of precision and efficiency.

However, Hava.io's pioneering features don't end with real-time updates. It has the unique capability to maintain a version history of superseded diagrams, which allows MSPs to monitor infrastructure changes over time. This ensures that every change, planned or unexpected, is documented and communicated to clients in a transparent manner.

One of Hava.io's standout features is its architectural monitoring function. It sends proactive alerts or 'Diff diagrams' to MSPs, helping them keep a vigilant eye on infrastructure changes. This feature reduces the chances of unnoticed modifications and helps avoid sudden, unexplained cost increases.

Moreover, Hava.io comes with a deep search function that simplifies resource management across multiple cloud accounts. MSPs can locate specific resources using a single command, a testament to Hava.io's commitment to simplifying cloud environment management.

To conclude, Hava.io is not just a tool; it's an all-inclusive solution that automates, streamlines, and enhances MSP-client interactions. By leveraging Hava.io, MSPs can navigate the world of cloud infrastructures with unprecedented ease and accuracy.

Topics: aws azure gcp diagrams msp managed service provider
2 min read

Unpacking the Power of Hava for Cloud Managed Service Providers

By Team Hava on May 31, 2023 11:49:25 AM

For Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs), effective communication and documentation are essential components of a strong client-provider relationship. Enter Hava.io, a cloud infrastructure visualization tool uniquely equipped to empower MSPs in their journey towards better client servicing.

Hava.io has redefined the standards of cloud environment management by offering dynamic and interactive diagrams for each virtual network. This automatic diagram generation capability saves MSPs precious time that would otherwise be spent on manual documentation, allowing for a focus on strategic, high-value tasks.

By connecting to cloud accounts across major platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, Hava.io scans the cloud configuration to create a real-time visual representation. This automation is a game-changer for MSPs, eliminating the guesswork and potential for human error in diagram creation.

But Hava.io's innovation doesn't stop at real-time updates. Recognizing the fluid nature of cloud infrastructures, Hava.io retains superseded diagrams, forming a version history that offers unparalleled insight into infrastructure changes over time. It's like having a time machine for your cloud environment, ensuring every change - whether planned or not - is tracked and communicated effectively to clients.

Additionally, Hava.io's architectural monitoring function proactively alerts MSPs to infrastructure changes via 'Diff diagrams.' These alerts act as an extra pair of vigilant eyes, reducing the risk of unnoticed changes and the potential for sudden cost escalations.

The power of Hava.io extends to resource management as well. Its deep search function allows MSPs to locate specific resources across multiple cloud accounts using a single command - a true testament to Hava.io's commitment to simplifying cloud environment management.

In conclusion, Hava.io is more than a tool for MSPs. It's a comprehensive solution that automates, simplifies, and enhances critical aspects of MSP-client interactions. It's time to unleash the power of Hava.io and revolutionize the way we manage cloud infrastructures.

Topics: aws azure gcp msp managed service provider
2 min read

Does your Managed Service Provider (MSP) do FinOPs?

By Team Hava on May 31, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Does Your MSP Do FinOps? Hava Brings Context to Cloud Cost Observability

Topics: aws azure gcp FinOps
